
* GMC-OPM: OPM Module [#g992fb59]

A module mounted with an OPM(YM2151) sound chip.~

OPM is an eight-channel, four-operator FM sound chip. ~
It differs from the OPN series in that it has hardware LFO and the DT2 parameter.((OPNA does have hardware LFO, but it's somewhat rudimentary compared to that of OPM))~
These grant OPM a wider range of sound creating possibilities.



**Features [#tdfba1d2]

- ''Authentic YM2151'', the FM LSI from YAMAHA used by SHARP X1 and X68000, as well as various arcade game systems and digital synthesizers.~
'''Currently the module doesn't support X1's SSG, X68000's ADPCM, or PCM sounds of arcade game systems.'''((We're working on a high-spec version of the motherboard, which will (besides being able to handle multiple sound chips at the same time) support X1's SSG. X68000's ADPCM and arcade games' PCM will be supported by the PCM module, likewise under development.))

SHARP X1、X68000、アーケード基板、シンセサイザー等で使用されていたYAMAHA製FM音源LSI「YM2151」が付属するモジュールです。~

- ''High clarity of sounds'' attained through abundant use of high quality components and extensive revision to the original board design of the 80s to meet the modern standard.

- ''Variable clock rate'' that can be set to anything within the module's operating frequency (3MHz-4MHz)((With the current version of the firmware the clock rate is fixed to 4MHz.)) This first in the indie hardware feature enables a highly faithful emulation of arcade game sound systems, whose clock rate is not always uniform.((This feature will be supported in the future when playing S98 data. The clock data will be fixed to 4MHz when playing MDX files.))~
'''Clock rate gets instantly adjusted at the start of each song.'''

3 MHz~
4 MHz~

-''Ability to be remounted with another sound chip'' which is pin-compatible with OPM, such as YM2164 (OPP). The IC socket makes the replacement quite effortless.((Mounting OPP will not bring any change to the module's function.))~

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